Cikarang Wholesale Center / Sentra Grosir Cikarang (SGC)


Written by : Nurpita Sinurat

Waste is unwanted residual material after the end of a process. Waste is defined by humans according to the degree of its use, in natural processes there is actually no concept of waste, it just products that are produced after and during the process (Wikipedia).

Do you know what will happens if unwanted material is throw anywhere?. Most of people in the world do not know and do not care to know the negative impact of throwing the waste. But, when the negative impact itself happens such as flood, some of them just blame the government and did not introspect their self, especially in Indonesia. Is just the government who can management the waste? No, every single person, institution, industry players and government related each other.

Nowadays waste is almost the same as humans, everywhere and every time we find it, even trash is also found in the places that are not inhabited by humans. Will the trash be the ruler to the destroyer the world?

In 23rd of February 2019, as much as 7.3 tons of garbage successfully transported by officers around the intersection of Cikarang Wholesale Center (SGC), Bekasi regency, West Java. Can you imagine the smell and the impact of the waste to societies? Every time I went to Commuter Line station, I saw the trash piled up along the road. No one cares, they do their activities like nothing is wrong. I do not know how invulnerable they are to smell the unpleasant waste, because every time I passed this place, I cannot even breathing because of the smell, just imagine all the types of the waste piled into one. If there is no changes of the situation, it will impact to human health, environmental, and even the ocean.

The waste management in Indonesia has not been going well, evidenced by a dirty, unhealthy and irregular environment due to waste is disposed of irresponsibly.

The waste that is not managed properly will carried away by rainwater and carries into the sea. Most of the garbage collected ends up in the landfills for open dumping. If the landfills is not managed properly, it can result in excess capacity so that it becomes a source of environmental pollution, a source of disease, even a source of disaster to the surrounding society. Like Burangkeng Setu Bekasi’s landfills, the landfill exceeds its capacity and has been closed to avoid the disaster.

Will you let the waste ruin everything? If not, let’s start a zero waste lifestyle now. You can do from the simple things such as do not littering, try to not use single-use, buy the second-hand goods. All that things also save our money that can make us happy, and also make the environmental also happy.

The important thing to reduce the waste is also related to waste segregation. Therefore, do not combine all your waste into one, please sort out your waste based on the type of the waste, organic and an-organic, the waste that can or cannot recycling and the waste that you should not recycle it by yourself but you have to send it to the institution that legalized to recycle it such as secondhand battery.

Throw away the thought “I just throw on or a few of rubbish carelessly”. Think how if other people in different place also doing the same as you think, think every person throw one trash, it becomes a lot. 
Please try to care about yourself, if you do littering, if you throw waste wherever you want, if you are not sort out your waste, means that you do not care about yourself.
