Get your memories

An Important Place

The memorable place for me is Toba Lake

When did something important happened?

I did everything that I liked when I was child, these memories also happened when I was child.

What happened?

- When I and my dad fished fish together and I got a small fish.
- My siters, my brothers and I played water, swam, and took a picture together.
- I was bitten by a leech

Here we go ^_^

Wow!!! Do you know the second largest lake in this world? Yeayyy, Toba Lake, that's right. I was born in Samosir, one of district in North Sumatera Indonesia, which is surrounded by Toba Lake, and this is also my foremost place in my life since I grew, played, swam and spent my time around this place. When I remember this lake, it made me remember almost my memories in my own life. Now I am going to tell you the  most memorable things in my life such as,  fishing together with my dad, playing and swimming together with my sisters and my brothers and even being bitten by a leech.
First of all, when I fished with my dad at Toba Lake where I was child I often went to there with my daddy to fish. Sometimes my dad and me have spent a day unconsciously for fishing there even we have no any even the small one. It was really humorous hahaha. At that time, my dad never gave up and one day he asked me to fish again and without waiting for a long time, I directly got one fish even it is the small one but my dad laughed out loudly and taught me how to take the fish from the fish angler, I still remember that and it was my first experience which made proud to myself. Toba lake is like second home for me, if I am not wrong, almost everyday I spent my time there. The gripping one is when my sisters, my brothers and I played football and took some pictures in that lake, it was too hard but someone who lost the game would get punishment, but do not worry I never lost. When you were in Toba lake maybe you will be sedated by scenery of my lake. And the last one, the most memorable and embrassed thing in my life is when I was bitten by a leech and I ran around in fear until I fell into Toba lake. I did not know what should I do because the leech did not hanger to go away from my feet until my brother took it by his self while laughing and saying "hemmm just a leech, coward".
All of my memorable experience made me always remember that place because when I remember my memories it means I remember Toba Lake, that is why Toba Lake is an important place for me. 


  1. i hope i will go to Toba Lake and make a story with you Pita hehe. Btw, that's a good story!!

    1. With a pleasure if you come to my hometown Aura, thank you :)

  2. Hahaha your story made me laugh. I'm sure toba lake is very memorable place :)
    Lula Wanitama

  3. Wow it's a great story of you.
    However you need to ascertain the use of grammar in your writing especially the tenses and pronoun

    1. Thank you for your correction mr, I will learn more mr :)

  4. Your story got me to visit Toba Lake. This is an epic enough story involving a family, yet your grammar should be as well as your story honey, including the use of past tense and pronoun functioned as subject as 'my dad and me'. ^_^

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Wow, what an amazing story you have there! About the grammar, maybe I'll prefer to use the word "the" instead of "this" in the sentence "Do you know the second largest lake in (this) world". Next, I think you need to add an object in the sentence "I will tell you the most memorable (....) in my life". I think that's all from me. But, back again that's my opinion alright? Hopefully, you'll get better and better in the future

    3. Hehe thank you miss Aini, sometimes I forgot about grammar but I'll learn more miss :)

  5. I wish i can go to toba lake later. Your story make me feel so exited.For the future, hopefully you can improve your grammar, vocab and prounon.

    1. Thank you winda for your correction, I hope we can learn more :)

  6. That's a great story pit...hope someday I will go there....

  7. Fighting nur even we far away from home always pray and happy

  8. Wow awesome pita,i must go to toba lake later !!

  9. What a wonderful story it is, I hope for one day I can go there.. hihihi.. Just a little note, attention for tenses. And sometimes it is necessary to use idiom well.. Example: If I'm not wrong = If I'm not mistaken..

    1. Wahhh, thank you mr, sometimes I forget it but I'll take care about my grammar mr

  10. Your story reminds me of my own story. U're a good writer. If i can give u the correction, it's better to choose various conjunction to ur story

  11. You had so much fun though... Keep the spirit and don't forget to smile! :)

  12. take me to get there pit. I wanna go to toba lake :)

  13. what a wonderful place.
    someday, i will go there
    your writing is good pita but still need a correction like the other comments above said

    1. Yeahh steve, I have to take care about it, thank you steve

  14. Hello everyone :) Thanks for your correction, and this is the right one, I hope I will be better than before, Have a nice day :)

    Here we go ^_^
    Wow!!! Do you know the second largest lake in this world? Yeayyy, Toba Lake, that's right. I was born in Samosir, one of district in North Sumatera Indonesia, which is surrounded by Toba Lake. This place is a foremost place in my life since I grew, played, swam and spent my time around this place. When I talk about Toba lake, it made me remember almost my memories in my own life. Now I am going to tell you the most memorable things in my life such as, fishing together with my dad, playing and swimming together with my sisters and my brothers and even being bitten by a leech.
    First of all, when I fished with my dad at Toba Lake where I was child I often went to there with my daddy to fish. Sometimes my dad and I have spent a day unconsciously for fishing there even we have no any even the small one. It was really humorous hahaha. At that time, my dad never gave up and one day he asked me to fish again and without waiting for a long time, I directly got one fish even it is the small one but my dad laughed out loudly and taught me how to take the fish from the fish angler, I still remember that and it was my first experience which made proud to myself. Toba lake feels like second home for me, because almost everyday I spent my time in there. The gripping one was when my sisters, my brothers and I played football and took some pictures in that lake, it was too hard but someone who lost the game would get punishment, but do not worry I never lost and of course became a winner. When you were in Toba lake maybe you will be sedated by scenery of my lake. And the last one, the most memorable and embrassed thing in my life is when I was bitten by a leech and I ran around in fear until I fell into Toba lake. I did not know what should I do because the leech did not hanger to go away from my feet until my brother took it by himself while laughing and saying "hemmm just a leech, coward".
    All of my memorable experience made me always remember that place because when I remember my memories it means I remember Toba Lake, that is why Toba Lake is an important place for me.


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